To be advised President

Colleen McKay
22 Theresa Street, Smithfield, NSW 2164
Email: Secretary

Mrs Jillian Skinner D.Urr MP (MLA)

Treasurer & Membership:
Hilary Taylor
93 Riverview Street, Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
02 9428 2434

Events Coordinator & Newsletter Editor:
Alwyn Piggott
2 Meadow Close, Beecroft, NSW, 2119
(02) 9876.4635
Email: Events & Newsletter

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Manx Society of New South Wales

The Manx Society of New South Wales was originally formed in 1914, went for many years and then closed down - reopened from 1960 to 1969, closed down, and again reopened in 1984 - and continues today.

We meet at Drummoyne Senior Citizens Centre in Sydney, bi-monthly - From January etc. We attend Celtic Festivals like for former Celtic Australia Day at Milson's Point, and each year the Australian Standing Stones at Glen Innes (where have a 'Tynwald Hill' and Manx Stone). We meet up with Queensland Manx and have a Manx dinner on the Saturday night. Each year in Glen Innes the Festival is held the first weekend in May.

We celebrate Tynwald Day, a picnic in January, Christmas luncheon in December (1st Saturday).

Margaret Sharpe CyC President

Crafted lovingly by hand © Last loaded 26 February, 2021 - for the Manx Society of NSW Inc. (and Celtic Council of NSW Inc.)